
About Me

Hi!I’m Ajeet Sharma:)
Let’s go travel

At Wanderers Media, we aim to inspire people to live the best digital nomadic lifestyle while creating the best travel memories of their life.

Hey there! This is Ajeet Sharma, the travel influencer behind the wanderer’s media blog. The blog is about stories of global travel influencers and travel photographers who have successfully led their life as digital nomads for the past few years.

If you are bored with the regular nine-to-five job and also are someone who loves to travel to take a break and unwind all the stress, then this place is all yours. If you have just started traveling to places and wish to be a travel blog influencer, in the long run, I am sure all these questions might be wandering in your brains.

  • Do influencers get paid to travel?
  • How to become one of those top travel influencers?
  • Can we afford the cost of living if we plan a long travel trip?
  • How to find remote jobs to live as a digital nomad?

Worry not! It is common to ask these questions before starting your career as a digital nomad because I did ask many of them for myself before I ended up being a travel blogger. We have got your back. Join the wanderer’s media digital nomad community today to attain the confidence of being a top travel lifestyle influencer someday.

Hey there! This is Ajeet Sharma, the travel influencer behind the wanderer’s media blog. The blog is about stories of global travel influencers and travel photographers who have successfully led their life as digital nomads for the past few years………..

The Mission

At Wanderers Media, we aim to inspire people to live the best digital nomadic lifestyle while creating the best travel memories of their life.

What will you find in the Wanderers media blog?

As a digital nomad and a travel lifestyle influencer myself, I am completely aware of the struggles faced by every location independent travel blog influencer. Wanderers media is a full-end travel blog developed with the idea of helping digital nomads by providing info regarding the cost of living of various travel destinations, remote working spaces across the globe, travel influencer tips, and a guide to travel blogging.

Travel Tips

Visit our travel tips section to get all the tips related to the digital nomadic lifestyle starting from flight bookings to accommodation and then the cost of living of different travel destinations. Avoid the last-minute hassle while planning a trip or long travel tour. When I started as a digital nomad back then, there weren’t many digital options to find travel resources like flights, hotel booking services, travel insurances, etc… This is not the case with you. Now that you are on my blog, explore it to plan a perfect digital nomadic lifestyle and be one of the top travel influencers in the quickest time possible.

The Digital Nomad Corner

Visit this section to get information on different top-earning digital nomad jobs of the 21st century. Know where to find remote jobs in various fields like marketing, business development, digital marketing, technical, etc…

You can also figure out the methods of approach to find these remote jobs and even the fee to be charged per hour.

Choose the Destination

It often happens that you get confused on which destination to choose based on your budget. Here we have listed down the comprehensive guides for the preferable travel destinations of many successful digital nomads. Clicking on each place will redirect you to the page with the travel tips related to places to visit, foods to try, accommodation costs, etc.. of the respective place.

The Wanderers Community

Join the wanderer’s community today. A fantastic pool that brings all the famous and upcoming digital nomads across the globe under one roof. Feel free to ask any doubt you get while traveling the world. You can choose to be an active participant or hang around to get some inspiration from your co digital nomads by hanging around.

Why Follow Wanderers Media Blog?

  • My real travel stories, along with the travel planning detail for each trip.
  • Mesmerizing travel guides that could take you to any corner of the world.
  • Digital nomad corner to find remote jobs with more ease and convenience.
  • Travel tips for planning end-to-end road, tourist, and break trips.
  • The wanderer’s community to share your travel experiences with a pool of digital nomads.