

A Digital Nomad Journey

“I still remember the taste of the cheesy yummy pizza with beautiful vegetables spread all over in the Warungs cafe of Bali,” says Ilona as we sat down for a brewing cup of hot coffee. Warungs are the famous dine-out low-key traditional Indonesian family restaurants. They serve local foods at a very cheap cost and are the most budget-friendly option for tourists. But, for Ilona, Warungs are the most affordable monthly food option.

The traditional Indonesian Warungs are more of a workplace dining option for Ilona. After the all-day work, she heads to surf at Canggu and enjoys the nightlife at Old Man’s, the most popular beachfront bar. Ilona is a Belarus-based digital nomad; she is successfully balancing to work while traveling to various places of the world for the past two years.

Caffe in Bali

“I don’t know where I’m going, but I’m on my way.”

– Carl Sandburg, American poet


So, as the founder of Wanderer’s Media and a good friend of Ilona, I thought to have a chat with her to find out the top 10 ways to make money as a Digital Nomad, which reaped enormous profits over the past few successful nomadic years.


“Writing always tops the digital nomadic way of earning according to me,” says Ilona “I always believe in the quote “Content is the king of any marketing strategy “. With the variety of content needs coming up in the ongoing digital transformation, all the modern-age nomads can look up to creating exciting Content. Many freelancing websites offer different writing jobs for writers based on their niche and writing style.”

Social Media Manager:

“The first and last thing I do as I wake up and go to bed is to check my social media profiles and post the pictures of my travels on social profiles,” smirks Ilona. She also adds that social media is a promising freelancing career for all digital nomads. “Big companies do hire digital agencies to maintain their social media accounts, but small business owners always depend on freelance social media managers who can help them grow in the shortest time possible.”

Online Teacher:

“Talking about teaching online takes me back to the English classes I have taught in the early stages of my nomadic journey, “says Ilona” If you are good enough to communicate and possess the ability to teach anything that you have a good command of, then the internet is yours. Run online classes via Skype to teach clients all over the world based on your professional abilities.”

Website Builders:

Gone are the days when you need great coding skills for building a professional website. There are thousands of digital nomads working as freelance website builders with zero coding skills. Website designing can be a great way to kick start the career as a digital nomad; all one has to do is learn the CMS systems thoroughly for a few weeks and build great websites for different businesses”, says Ilona.


“If you think that programming isn’t a remote job, just Google the websites that offer remote programming job opportunities, and I bet you will change your perspective on how to be a nomad programmer,” says Ilona. “There are hundreds of remote programmers out there who are earning decent pay being a digital nomad.”

Data Entry:

“If you are to jump off into a nomadic digital career right at the moment, I would say data entry is the best remote job you can opt for. The best part of being a data entry nomad is that you can start your career with zero starting cost”, says Ilona who adds that data entry can be a great job for all the nomads who love to get lost in the musical world while working and traveling.

Customer Service Executive: 

“I still remember the soothing voice of the customer care executive of Gojek I spoke to the last night. I was completely calmed by the way the executive spoke to me,” says Ilona adding that anyone with good communication skills can be a freelance customer care executive from anywhere in the world as long as they have an uninterrupted internet connection.

Affiliate Marketing:

“Affiliate marketing is always my long-term nomadic go-to job as I always love to be a nomadic kind of entrepreneur,” says Ilona. She also concludes that affiliate marketing is not for the nomads looking to generate income immediately but can be the best job for established nomads who are good at digital marketing.

Graphic Designing:

“There are many good graphic designers who are successfully earning money being digital nomads. You don’t necessarily be a full-end graphic designer; all you need to have is a good illustrating sense that can help you create pictures for social media posts, websites, etc… for various businesses. I know few graphic nomads who are earning huge bucks on commissioned artworks, “says Ilona.

Voice Acting:

“Well, also known as dubbing artists, voice acting is often mistaken to be just the profession of famed actors who brings Disney characters to life. I also thought the same way till I met my voice acting nomad friend Erica in Bali; Erica is a voice actor who has been a successful digital nomad for the past five years. She has been gifted with a voice that made her choose her profession as a voice actor for various reading audiobooks, comedic skits, voicing podcasts, etc..”, says Ilona reminiscing memories with her voice actor friend Erica.

Few Digital Nomad Job Websites According to Ilona
Ilona’s Instagram Profile


I hope this chat with Ilona has helped our wanderers figure out the best nomadic career to maintain a better travel-work-life balance. Follow the wanderer’s media blog and social profiles to know about many successful digital nomads’ exciting journeys.

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